Evaristo Flores

A personal journey

Therapist formed in the Psichology Department of the University of Buenos Aires. With more than 25 years of experience treating patients with various pathologies. Going through various human problematics, allowed nurturing a way of professional work.
An approach to each singularity is proposed accompanying the evolution of the personal life experience. Going through the sufferings and labyrinths that stand in the way of access to desire.
Using the word and listening as mediators to put limits and resources into play in the fabric of emotions and affections, in that journey questioning and untying what concerns us.
It aspires to unleash the potential of each singularity through the acquisition and appropriation of tools to achieve this objective.

"Epimeleia Heautou"

“Let's start from the fact that starting an analysis is taking care of oneself, of one's own being, as the Therapists did in their own way. To request an analysis, to engage in it, to bring it to completion, is to have perceived, by the unbearable grace of the symptom, that the way one took care of oneself until then, was dire. "

Jean Allouch

Contact Information


Evaristo Flores +54 9 11 5027-0735
          Monday – Friday, 14:00-20:00



Stay in touch
